

Airway, breathing, and circulation, Employee Safety Training, Workplace Safety Training, First Aid Courses, Trauma Training

TraumaKwik's Disaster/Emergency Training and Education:

We OUTFIT your business/school with the most advanced Trauma Kit on the market, the ABS1 TRAUMAKIT(S) featuring the new and patent pending "KwikGauze Roller". This trauma kit is designed to break away from the wall and be quickly carried to those with traumatic injuries. We then provide your employees/teachers an overview of this kit along with the latest techniques in Trauma-care where they will learn to recognize and treat the ABCs (the 3 killers). They will then be taught the newest form of CPR or Hands only CPR (please see article below on CCR-Continuous Chest Resuscitation) and practice this life-saving technique on mannequins until they are proficient.  Our classes are taught by certified Instructors who follow the latest FEMA and Nationally based Emergency care and First-aid protocols in a fun and informative one-hour hands-on experience.

Why are the ABCs of Trauma-care referred to as the 3 killers

and what do they stand for?


Continuous Chest Compressions, Breathing Safety Courses, CPR Training Classes, Trauma Classes, Local Trauma Training, Local First Aid Training Class                      

It goes without saying that breathing is vital to life. In our hands-on training modules we will be teaching proper techniques for opening and maintaining an airway for those who are injured and unable to help themselves.


Traumatic Bleeding can also result in death. Our Certified Instructors will teach proper techniques for stopping bleeding, arterial and venous, quickly and efficiently using a variety of first-aid products or tools on hand.


Bleeding, Blood Stopper, blood stopper kit, blood clotting agent, first aid stop bleeding, Stop Bleeding Wounds,


Body Shock, treatments for trauma, treatments for shock, trauma symptoms, symptoms of trauma, traumatic shock, treating trauma, shock, shock treatment                        

Poor circulation (Shock) is a life-threatening medical disorder resulting from ineffective circulation of the blood. Remaining in shock will lead to death. In our course, employee/students will learn how to recognize signs of shock, even the easily missed ones, and then provide treatment for shock that can help in traumatic times. These easy-to-learn life-saving techniques can empower anyone to save lives!

Continuous Chest Compression(CCR) vs. Regular CPR



Chest Compression only CPR - (CCR) goes by several different names but the outcome is clear:  IT SAVES LIVES!  It is used for witnessed sudden cardiac arrest of adults and teens.  It is not intended to use on infants or victims of drowning, drug overdose, collapse due to breathing problems, or prolonged cardiac arrest.

Why should I learn to do CCR(Continuous Chest Resuscitation)?

  • It saves lives.
  • It is easy to learn. Anyone can learn how to do it.
  • You don’t have to give breaths to the victim. Because of this, more people are willing to assist others.
  • It increases a victim’s chances of survival.  Latest studies indicate it may be better for victims, in certain situations, than traditional CPR.
  • The facts are that you will probably use it on someone you know and care about.


Studies show survivability doubles using CCR

The American Heart Association reports using CCR rather than traditional CPR can double survivability for:

bystander intervention in out-of-hospital cardiac arrestThe changes included using chest compressions only for bystander resuscitation without breathing into the mouth, and even when the emergency services arrived, it was recommended to continue chest compressions and defibrillator shocks for several minutes before attempting to intubate the patient. With these changes, survival of patients with primary cardiac arrest in Arizona increased over a five-year period from 17.7% to 33.7%. Similar results were seen in two rural counties in Wisconsin that also made such changes.” http://www.theheart.org/article/1483145.do

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                  CPR /CCR


Emergency container, emergency packs, emergency storage, preparedness kits for offices, classroom emergency kitsTrauma Kits


Fold-Out Medical Trauma Kit, first aid, first aid kit, first aid kits, first responder kit, trauma kit, medical equipment, emergency medical supplies, medical, 911, ems, rescue, emergency, fire department, fire, police, law enforcement, safety, public safety, disaster, survival

The ABS-1 Trauma kit and

TraumaKwik's Employee

Training Programs will inspire

the quick action of fellow

employees - which will bridge

the gap between an event

and the arrive of profesionals.

This will save lives!

Find Us

•	survivalist, earthquake, fire, millennium, emt, EMT, emergency medical technician, bls, ambulance, paramedic, cpr, injury, injuries, wound, wound care, bandaids, bandages, emergency childbirth   Tactical Trauma Kits, Gun Shot Trauma Kits, Shock Trauma Kit, Bleeding Trauma Kits   Large Emergency Medical Kit, Emergency Response Trauma Kits, Medium Emergency Medical Kit, Deluxe Emergency Preparedness Kit, Portable Trauma Kit

Disaster mitigation, preparedness, response, recovery, education, and references.

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