Cert Trained, Medical Trauma Training, Employee Trauma Safety, Workplace Safety Training, Red Trauma Bag, 100 Employee Safety Kit, Professional Safety KitsWall Mounted red Trauma Kits, Office Trauma Kit, School First Aid Kits, Live Saving Kit, Business First Aid kits, Compression Training, Stop Bleeding, Safety First, Safety 1st vehicle first aid kits, emergency first aid supplies, home safety kit, first aid station, emergency preparedness first aid kit, firstaid.com, Trauma Kwik, first aid backpack, first aid boxTrauma First Aid Bag, basic survival kit, roadside emergency kits, tornado emergency kit, emergency backpack kit, workplace first aid kit,


 Trauma Kits

TraumaKwik Kit


Arizona CPR Training, Arizona CCR Training, Cert Arizona, Arizona First Responders, Phoenix Trauma Kit, Arizona First Aid

KwikPillow™ (3)- One Breath-Air Pillow to elevate shoulders for the maintaining of airway during triage​

Small KwikBand™ (1) trauma band to control or stop bleeding of upper extremities
Med. KwikBand™ (1) trauma band to control or stop bleeding of upper extremities
Lg. KwikBand™ (1) trauma band to control or stop bleeding of lower extremities
XLg. KwikBand™ (1) trauma band to control or stop bleeding of lower extremities
KwikGuaze™ Roller (1) For fast delivery of gauze
KwikGauze™ Cartridge 4" x 75" (4)
Stretch Gauze 4" x 75” (3)
Trauma Pads 5" x 9" (3)

Trauma Pads 8" x 10" (3)
Gauze Pads 4" x 4" (24)​

ShockProp™ (3) for elevating legs during treatment for shock
Space Blanket (3) for treatment for shock
Red Flashing locater-light (3) for placement on “Immediate” victims during triage and as part of treatment for shock
Medic Shears (1)
Medical Tape (1)
Container for hand sanitizer (1)​


Bottle for Saline Flush (1)
Colored Triage Tags (6)
Clipboard (1)
Markers (2)
KwikGuide™ (1)
Exterior Trauma Bag - High Quality Easy layout design - Red (1)​




trauma kits, first aid trauma kits, trauma supplies, first responder trauma kits, trauma packs, first aid for trauma, trauma medical supplies, first aid trauma, 500 person trauma kits, 25 person trauma kits, 100 person trauma kitsEmployee Training

                  CPR /CCR


Emergency container, emergency packs, emergency storage, preparedness kits for offices, classroom emergency kitsTrauma Kits


Fold-Out Medical Trauma Kit, first aid, first aid kit, first aid kits, first responder kit, trauma kit, medical equipment, emergency medical supplies, medical, 911, ems, rescue, emergency, fire department, fire, police, law enforcement, safety, public safety, disaster, survival

The ABS-1 Trauma kit and

TraumaKwik's Employee

Training Programs will inspire

the quick action of fellow

employees - which will bridge

the gap between an event

and the arrive of profesionals.

This will save lives!

Find Us

•	survivalist, earthquake, fire, millennium, emt, EMT, emergency medical technician, bls, ambulance, paramedic, cpr, injury, injuries, wound, wound care, bandaids, bandages, emergency childbirth   Tactical Trauma Kits, Gun Shot Trauma Kits, Shock Trauma Kit, Bleeding Trauma Kits   Large Emergency Medical Kit, Emergency Response Trauma Kits, Medium Emergency Medical Kit, Deluxe Emergency Preparedness Kit, Portable Trauma Kit

Disaster mitigation, preparedness, response, recovery, education, and references.

Cert, cert kit, cert supplies, community emergency response team kit, community emergency response team supplies, cert hard hats, cert response kits, emergency kit supplies, emergency preparedness, disaster preparedness supplies


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